
Friday, August 5, 2011

Guess who is the Guest Designer for MME this Month?

Hey y'all-

Whoa! This summer has been absolutely -CA-RAY-ZY! But I just wanted to catch you up on goings on in my scrapbooking world. I have had so many amazing opportunities just happen to fall into place in the last few weeks. It's all very exciting! First off - I was hired back at Heartland Paper under the new owner Donna who is as nice as nice can be. She welcomed us old store teachers back with open arms and I was so happy to be back home :) After alot of consideration - I decided to not continue teaching classes. I have always wanted to be on the design end of things so when the chance came up for me to be the Design Team Coordinator for her new Design Team - I jumped at the chance. So far the ladies on the team have been so amazing and inspiring. I am so looking forward to sharing with all the customers at the store all the wonderful ideas we have in mind for you! Stay tuned to the Heartland Paper Co. blog for some awesome new entries!

Earlier this week I got an email that made me sooo excited. A few months back you may remeber that I won the My Mind's Eye Blog Sketch Challenge. Well, I was contacted that they wanted me (LITTLE OLD ME) to be the Guest Designer for the month of August. I was thirilled and of course said YES!!! So far it has been an amazing experience for me. I can't wait to see what else they want me to do for them. Check out their blog as well and see what else I will be up to this month!
Here are a couple of my latest designs!

My Minds Eye Lost and Found 2 collection

Pretty crinkly flower made with my Silhouette
( its is called a 3-D Ruffle flower) 


My Minds Eye Hip Horray Girl Collection

Inside the little brown bags are balloons that I wrote a message on. I used a ballpoint pen. That seemed to work the best. I blew up the balloon just a little bit, just pinching off (not completely tying off) the end.  I then wrote my message. I just layed the balloon on flat surface still pinching off the end, and the used my writing hand to write the message.

I used 2 balloons. One says "Happy" the other says "Birthday"
My Minds Eye Hip Horray Boy collection. I love the primary colors in this line!
My Minds Eye Fine and Dandy Collection. Look how little the kids are! :)

My Minds Eye Stella and Rose collection.
This is my cutie patootie nephew Dallin. Couldn't you just eat those chubby cheeks?

My Mind's Eye Stella and Rose collection.
The pinwheel is made using 2 circles of each color cut in half and then glued onto a bigger circle of cardstock in the back. I attached a brad and then added a yellow toothpick on the bottom for the handle. Font i used is CK Darling.

Thanks for looking!

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