
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Funny Valentine's

Hey there-
Just wanted to check in. It has been awhile - yikes. I wanted to just share a couple of photo's of my kiddos. They are such good sports. Yesterday the "Valentine Fairy" stopped by the Smith house and left some goodies and I happened to snap a few funny photos of the kids.

Silly Ash

Goofy Ethan

Crazy Maddie Moo

The Valentine Fairy left each of the kids some candy and a red shirt. They also got a special cupcake from one of my favorite cupcake shoppes "Sweet Tooth Fairy" If have never been there, it is so yummy! My favorite is the vaNIEla squared- the frosting alone is divine! If you every get a chance- stop by :)

I will drop by again something crafty up my sleeves.

Take care

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