
Friday, May 4, 2012

Whats Up Crafty Friends?

Hey all-

Well, its now May and the poor old bloggety blog has been neglected for far too long. Just wanted to take a quick minute to update some fun new additions to my crafty resume :)

My dear friend Lori Allred is like the best person EVER to know if you are a crafty chick like me. That girl knows EVERYONE! She has hooked me up with some amazing opportunities as of late and I am so grateful to her and her trust in me to step up and do things that are so out of my comfort zone :) I am now calling her my friend/booking agent! Check out her amazing blog and even better this awesome site that I adore where she has the COOOOOLEST Pinterest show.

So Lori asked me to do a segment for Northridge Media for their "Make it Your Own" Challenge and I happily obliged since I love the publications that Northridge puts out . I kind of have an obsession for idea books and knew this would be something that would be super fun to do. I went down to the My Craft Channel studios to film my little segment. Now some of you may know this is not my first run at television/online crafting. I did a few Good Things Utah segments for Imaginisce last year and while that was so much fun, taping this segment for My Crafty Channel was so much more laid back. If I screwed up a word , they could stop and re edit the shot for me. Live TV with Good Things Utah was soooo much more nerve wracking since it was live TV. I think I will stick with this type of filming from now on. I got to me the wonderful and super sweet Kristine McKay and she was so easy to work with and put me at east right away. It was such a great experience and. I hope to go back one day! Here is the show: Give it a look-see!

I dont have a clue why they put this hideous shot of me up for the freeze frame but hey - at least my hair looked ok :)

Love the project I did. I used some photos that I took of Ashlyn and her bestie Emma (who just happens to be Lori"s daughter) and decided to do a simple craft using embroidery hoops as a frame. I had seen these type of projects popping up all over Pinterest but they used fabric, Those of you who know me know my adversion to any thing fabric, or sewing so I thought, hey maybe I can used my ginormous hoard of pattern paper and use that instead of fabric inside my embroidery hoop. And with some simple cutting and a little bit of Mod Podge - I made these cute frames for Ashlyn to hang in her room. Here are some shots of the hoops up close:

I used lots and lots of yummy My Minds Eye Miss Caroline Line. Love, Love, Love the pretty pastels in this line!

Loved pulling out all of my circle punches to make these flowers

More circle punches

Loved these cute journaling cards. I had the girls each list their favorite things about each other. What fun it will be to look back years from now and see what your BFF loved about you.

Next , I got a call from Lori asking me if I would like the opportunity to work with this amazing lady:

I KNOW RIGHT???!!!! I get the chance to design with her on her Teresa Collins Stampmaker Design Team. If you haven't yet seen the stampmaker in action - it is sooo cool! Check it out here:

 I am not really a stamper, but after seeing what this little tool could do - I was converted really fast. I will get the chance to work closely with her designing projects for her to showcase on line and at trade shows. This is such an exciting new opportunity for me. I got the chance to meet Teresa in person and she is just as nice and wonderful as everyone says she is. I am truly blessed beyone words to get this gig! Stay tuned for ideas and projects highlighting everything this tool can do.

(they spelled my name wrong - just realizing that... oh well )

Well that about sums it up for now. Stay tuned for more Stampmaker Ideas and more fun project ideas around the corner...

Take care-

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